JBQ Season Registration
Thousands of kids each year are all the evidence you need to see that kids can have a blast while memorizing God's Word. With over 30 years of proven ministry success, Junior Bible Quiz is helping kids learn God's Word and build a faith that lasts a lifetime! The JBQ quizzing season begins in September and runs through May. Post-season quizzing includes regional and national tournaments for those teams that qualify. Available for ages 4 – 6th grade.

End Time Prophecy
Dr. Neil Lipkin is back with updates on End-Time Prophecy! Join him in Room 207 at 9 am starting January 5th for this long-awaited class.

GriefShare is a Christ-centered, video-led support group that encourages individuals to move through their grief and find a new normal in life. Join caring people who understand what you are going through and will walk alongside you to encourage and comfort you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.
This group will meet on Sundays from 4-6 pm at Church 52 from February 2nd through May 4th.
It hurts to lose someone, but you don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.
Register Here for more information.

C52 Women | The Teachings of Jesus | Bible Study
Join C52 Women for a 4-week study on the teachings of Jesus, March 5-27 at 7 pm, focusing on the Beatitudes. Bring a Bible and notepad and come ready to dig in. Together, we will learn the heart of Jesus!

Steadfast Sisters
Join Steadfast Sisters, a new ministry of C52 Women led by Marcia Sage. This group is designed for women with unsaved spouses to come together for prayer, encouragement, and edification. Meeting weekly on Wednesdays throughout March from 7-8pm, we'll seek the Lord together to be the love of Christ in action and in deed, ministering to, serving, and loving our husbands.

C52 Women's Breakfast
Join C52 Women for a Pitch-In Breakfast on March 8th from 9 am - 12 pm in the Youth Center. Register and let us know what you’re bringing! We’ll see you there!

What’s next after the Thrive semester? Christlikeness is a deeper journey into spiritual formation that gives you the direction and tools you need to become more like Jesus - reflecting His thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes. Your spiritual formation into Christlikeness is the “Why” behind the “Thrive” learning model. As you Thrive, the Kingdom of God expands because you are equipped to make Christ known to others.
Join Pastor Garry on March 30, April 6, April 27, and May 4 from 9-10:30 am for this deep dive into Christlikeness.

VBS Volunteer Meeting
VBS will be held on June 16th-20th at Church 52 and we are looking forward to an exciting week of ministry for the kids!
We need your help to make this our best VBS yet, so please sign up to be a volunteer! Our first volunteer meeting will be on March 30, after second service.

First Sunday Prayer and Worship
Join us for our monthly event, "First Sunday Prayer & Worship" on April 6th at 6 pm. Experience a time of intimate prayer and worship as we come together to seek God's presence. It's a beautiful way to kick off each month with purpose and connection. Mark your calendars now for First Sundays in February through April!

Kingdom Builders | Next Gen Offering
We’re kicking off our year of Kingdom Builders giving with an extravagant Next Gen Offering on Sunday, March 2! Kingdom Builders supports our students by partnering with ministries that care for the physical and spiritual needs of the next generation from birth, kids and youth ministries, and through those beginning their careers and further education. Help us raise up a generation of future leaders in the faith and come ready to support our students!

Men's Breakfast
Join us for Church 52's Men's Breakfast on Saturday, March 1, at 9:00 am in the Youth Center! Enjoy a fun morning of food, fellowship, and encouragement with Pastor Perry. Be sure to register by February 26. We can't wait to see you there!

YTH Community Night at Adrenaline Action Park
Join us for an epic afternoon of fun at Adrenaline Action Park on Friday, February 23rd! We’ll kick things off with lunch in the Youth Center after second service, then YTH students will ride together on the bus to the trampoline park.
🎟 Tickets: $20
Register Here and jump into an unforgettable night of fun and community!

Annual Business Meeting
Join us on February 16 at 6 pm for our Annual Business Meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend; Church 52 Members have the privilege to ask questions and vote. We’ll see you there!

C52 Women | Welcome Back Fun Night
Ladies of C52, get ready for an exciting Welcome Back Fun Night! Join us as we kick off our regular meeting schedule with an evening full of connection, vision, and fun. You’ll receive our 2025 Calendar, hear about our plans for the year, and enjoy a lively game of HODGE PODGE BINGO! Be sure to bring a gently used or brand-new door prize for our game winners, and don’t forget some cash to support our C52 YTH at the STL Snack Shop, where they’ll be offering delicious baked goods and snacks to raise funds for Speed the Light. We can’t wait to see you there!

One Day to Feed the World
One Day to Feed the World is Convoy of Hope’s campaign that transforms lives. When everyone commits to giving one day’s salary, we harness the power of equal sacrifice instead of focusing on equal giving.
Calculate how much you make each workday, and set that amount as your One Day to Feed the World giving goal. Then give your gift. It’s that easy! No matter what you make, you play a significant role in transforming people’s lives.
Join with Church 52 to change the world and give your One Day on January 26th!

Corporate Prayer
Join us at Church 52 for a powerful week of corporate prayer and worship, January 20-24th, from 7-8 PM each evening. This is a special opportunity to come together as a church family, seek God’s presence, and align our hearts with His will for the new year. We’ll see you there!

The 5 T's of Biblical Stewardship
Learn the 5 T's of Biblical Stewardship and discover a lifestyle that leads to blessing! This final class in our Thrive semester will teach you the importance of financial stewardship AND how biblical stewardship should be applied to other areas of life.
Register Here and join Pastor Garry Brackett at 9am on Sundays, Jan. 5-26 in the Youth Center for The 5 T's of Biblical Stewardship.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Join Church 52 for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, January 5-26, as we start the New Year by seeking God together. This is an opportunity to align our hearts with His will and join thousands across Indiana in lifting our voices to Jesus. Let’s pray for spiritual awakening and strengthening in our lives, families, churches, communities, nation, and world.
We will meet for an hour of guided corporate prayer and worship from January 20-24th at 7pm.

Christmas Eve Candlelight & Communion Service
Our 1-hour Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Church 52 is a reverent and impactful time of worship, reflection, and communion together as we mark the night before Jesus’s birth. Join us on December 24th at 6pm. We’ll see you there!

Christmas at Church 52
Join us on December 22 at 9 and 11 am for Christmas at Church 52! It’s going to be a great day of celebration through worship, special appearances by our C52 Kids and Youth, and Pastor Perry bringing a Christmas message with the Word. Invite your friends and family and celebrate Jesus’s birth with us at Church 52!

Thrive | Holy Spirit
Have you ever wondered, "Who is the Holy Spirit?" "What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?" or "What's the role of the Holy Spirit?" Pastor Brian will answer these questions and more in our four-week THRIVE class: Holy Spirit. This elective class will run on Sundays, December 1st-15th and 29th, from 9-10:30 am. Go deeper in your relationship with and understand this vital part of our faith in the Holy Spirit class!

Join us for Church 52's annual "Friendsgiving" on November 25th, from 6-8 PM! Designed for ages 50 and up, this special evening is a chance to gather, give thanks, and enjoy a delicious meal together. The church will provide turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and drinks—bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share.
Register here and let us know what dish you’re bringing!

GriefShare - Surviving the Holidays
🌟 Join us on November 17th at 4:00 PM for Surviving the Holidays in the GriefShare series. This special one-night gathering is designed to bring comfort and support during the holidays for those mourning the loss of loved ones. No need to have attended previous sessions – everyone is welcome!
📅 Date: November 17, 2023
🕒 Time: 4:00 PM
📍 Location: Church 52 (Door #3)

Your Devotional Life: The Deeper Roots of Relationship
Do you want to grow your relationship with God? Join Pastor Brian Tolliver for our second elective class in our new THRIVE semester! Your Devotional Life: The Deeper Roots of Relationship will explain how the Word, worship, and prayer are vital to our connection with God. That relationship is what will keep us strong in the mission God has for us; to live for Him, lead others to Him, and change our world.

C52 Self-Defense
If you've ever wanted to take a self-defense class or are just interested in learning a little about mixed martial arts, now is the time! Our C52 Self-Defense class, taught by Kegan Agnew (a retired professional MMA fighter), will teach you de-escalation techniques for high-stress situations, a general knowledge of different forms of self-defense martial arts (including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, and kickboxing, along with many others), and we will demonstrate self-defense moves you can use in case a fight cannot be avoided.
We are looking forward to seeing you the first Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8pm in the Youth Center!

GROW | Christlikeness
What’s next after the Thrive semester? Grow - Christlikeness is a deeper journey into spiritual formation that gives you the direction and tools you need to become more like Jesus - reflecting His thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes. Your spiritual formation into Christlikeness is the “Why” behind the “Thrive” learning model. As you Thrive, the Kingdom of God expands because you are equipped to make Christ known to others.
Join Pastor Garry on November 3-24 from 9-10:30 am for this deep dive into Christlikeness.

Salvation - More Than Words
Join us for our first elective discipleship class in our Thrive semester! This one-day class will address such questions as: Does God want everyone to be saved, or only a select few? Are we saved by good works? Can we lose our salvation? And more! Grow deeper in your faith and understanding of salvation on Sunday, November 3rd at 9am!

Youth Convention ‘24
YC ‘24 is coming up on November 2-3 at The Warehouse in Bloomington, IN. We are thrilled to have Lee Rogers as our speaker and North Central leading us in worship!
Cost: $75 per person - Plus $$ for merch & (2) fast food lunches.
Includes: (Convention registration, access to The Warehouse activities, dinner and late-night pizza on Saturday.)
Church 52 will cover hotel and transportation costs
Register Here

C52 Youth Community Night
🗓 Date: October 27th at Waterman’s Family Farm
🚪 Cost: $15 (covered by Church 52)
💵 Bring extra for snacks/games!
🍕 Free Pizza: After 11 AM service in the Youth Center
🚌 Depart C52: 1:15 PM
⏰ Return: 6 PM
🎠 Hayride
🌽 Maze
🪨 Rockfall
🎮 Games
🍔 Food
🎉 And more!

Feed The Need
Last Day of Distribution - November 9
Feed the Need – November 9th | Volunteer - 8am-2pm | Food Service - 10am-1pm | Church 52 Parking Lot
Learn more

Are you a new believer, new to Church 52, or interested in membership?
Join us on October 20th at 12:30 pm for our THRIVE kick-off luncheon!
Take this next step and go deeper in faith and community. We invite you to discover belonging, embrace service, and nurture spiritual growth with THRIVE. Through this gathering and subsequent electives, you'll find a family where you're valued, a community where your talents shine, and a pathway to deepen your faith through discipleship classes. This one-day kickoff luncheon promises to begin you on a lifelong journey of belonging, growth, and a profound sense of purpose within our church community.

Water Baptism
Water baptism is a celebration of your decision to follow Jesus! It’s an awesome way for you to declare your commitment to the Lord. If you’re ready to be baptized, we want to celebrate with you at our next water baptism on October 13th at our 11am service!

SOAK Worship Night
If you love to worship, this message is for you! Sunday, October 6th is our annual SOAK Night of Worship. From 6pm-8pm, we are going to dive into the presence of God through song and expect for greater things. Bring a friend and join us in the sanctuary!
There will be childcare available for ages 0-4.

Club 5/6
We're excited to announce Church 52's NEW intermediate kid’s ministry class, Club 5/6! Starting October 6th, we will have a distinct class for 5th and 6th graders every Sunday at 11 am, offering a fun and engaging environment where your child can grow in their faith, build lasting friendships, and discover what it means to be a young disciple. Register your child for Club 5/6!

Worth Far More Than Rubies
Join us for "Worth Far More Than Rubies," a four-week elective class led by Sandra Meade, starting October 6 at 9 AM at Church 52. This class, designed for women of all ages—married, single, older, younger, and widowed—reviews the timeless wisdom of Proverbs 31. Discover how the Proverbs 31 woman embodies priceless worth through her character, relationships, work, and self-worth in God. In a world that often devalues righteousness, learn to embrace your God-given identity with confidence and grace.
Register now for this transformative class!

Youth Hike Day
Join us for October's Community Night! We will provide lunch after church on 9/29 and then hop on the bus and head to Brown County! We will hike and then walk around Nashville, IN.
This trip is open to young youth grades 6th-12th and young adults ages 18-30!
Cost: FREE
Bring money if you'd like to get ice cream or purchase anything at the shops!
Depart: 1:30 pm
Return: 7:00 pm

Money Problems
Join us at Church 52 for "Money Problems," a four-week sermon series dedicated to addressing financial challenges from a faith-based perspective, starting Sunday, September 8 at 9 & 11am. We will wrap up the series on September 29 with a panel answering all your financial questions. Submit your anonymous questions to the panel by September 25 at the link below!

As You Are
Join our C52 Women on the third Sunday of each month for a time of raw and heartfelt ministry. Come as you are and leave changed!
As You Are meets the third Sunday of every month from 6:30-8pm. Contact Marte McCloud with any questions.

THRIVE | The 5 T's of Biblical Stewarship
Learn the 5 T's of Biblical Stewardship and discover a lifestyle that leads to blessing! This final class in our Thrive semester will teach you the importance of financial stewardship AND how biblical stewardship should be applied to other areas of life.
Register now and join Pastor Garry Brackett at 9am on Sundays, Aug. 4-25 in the Youth Center for The 5 T's of Biblical Stewardship.